Monday, January 21, 2013

Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 13:18:12 -0200

Happy Birthday Dad!!

I'm glad to hear Erik´s okay and hope everything is working out for you all. I hope you know that if you need to use my blazer you can. It sounds like the cars are having a rough winter. I can´t believe erik hit a horse?  (She only scanned my email, her brother, Erik, hit a MOOSE.  The State Trooper told us a HORSE was hit in the same area the week before and it was called in as a MOOSE being hit.  When the dispatcher called someone to harvest the MOOSE they found a HORSE and could not touch it.  We all laughed that someone didn't know the difference between a moose and a horse.)  How does a horse run away from home?? (not questioning erik, questioning the Horse).

 But this week has been good. I´m continually impressed with the members throughout the world who sacrifice and serve without questioning. Sometimes I think how can people not see the truth of the Gospel through the lives of the members. But it's not always that clear for everyone. This week we had some neat experiences with working with our members here. I love that the church of Christ has a role for everyone. The church is supported by the voluntary service of everyone. Leaders make such a big difference in our lives.

 I knew before my mission I was a wild child in the Primary when I was younger.  (She wasn't a wild child, just a very SOCIAL one.)   But I'm hoping that the ´payback´is happening now so I won't have to pay when I'm a mom. haha but seriously. When investigators visit the church for the first time with children who have never sat through church or when its just us with a youth who is a member but less active, it makes such a huge difference when a member takes time to help with a child or even sit close to them to offer an encouraging smile.

But we have one investigator who is doing really well. I don´t remember if I mentioned her in the last email or not. M. went to church for the 2nd time yesterday and is doing really well. She has changed so much since we first encountered her, and is truly special. We are so excited for her. She has smoked most of her life, so its been a challenge for her to live the word of wisdom. But she knows it's true and is trying to quit. We´ve already seen the hand of the lord in her life. 

 I gave a talk in sacrament meeting about missionary work and am so grateful for this ward. We have several members who are stake leaders and want to really help with the work. It's truly something missionaries can't do alone.  The testimonies of members and the difference they make in lessons is so great. This week we were talking during lunch with one of the sisters in the ward who is in the stake young womens. She says in the stake theres about 100 active young men but only 47 active young women. She really wants to work with us to help strenghten our ward. 

 Faith and obedience will truly change your life. If you have faith, a true testimony you will be obedient to all of God´s commandments. One thing I know for sure, if you're reading the Book of Mormon, and reading, sincerely, you will be firm and steadfast in the Gospel. Even if you don´t understand everything, you will receive blessings for obeying the commandment to read the Book of Mormon every day.

Love you all! have a great week!
(And read the Book of Mormon!) :) 

I can´t think of anything i really need. We buy sunblock here (infact i bought some today). Its more expensive here, but by the time you send it here (because its not too light) its probably not any cheaper to send it. 

 But thank you mom for your support and prayers, love you all!

Love you my faithful mommy!

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over the fact there are more active young men! And that she calls you faithful mommy is very sweet!
