Aye- Emailing home shouldn't be this stressful. Internet cafes are one thing... But 'Im on my second computer because the first one had problems... And this one had some major problems to copy and paste. BUT this week was great. Sister R. had her first baptism. We had a the baptism of a young man, named C. He was super excited and it was so neat to see how his testimony grew these past few weeks. His girlfriend is a member and he never had too much interest, but finally went to church one Sunday, and we started teaching him. He went to general conference after and his testimony grew so much. He really believes and has such a firm testimony. It was a great experience.
We have had a couple of neat experiences with our members this week and am so grateful for their involvement and the love they show for us and for this work. We really can´t do half of what we do without the support and help of the members of the church. I know that you all have testimonies and so much to share with people.
But time is up and I'll have to write more in the letter today. Love you all!!
Mom- you asked what else I might like in a package- I can't think of anything but maybe some more hair gel like you already sent. Aussie brand maybe 1-2 bottles. Thanks for everything and love you all!!
Sorry for the short email, this week its really not my fault, but the computer!!!
Good thing she writes you as well! I don't get written letters so I won't feel too guilty for having longer emails ;-)