Happy P-Day!!
This week was really good. We had 2 companionships who came from a nearby city - Aropongas - who went on splits with me and Sister M. this week. So between divisions and working normal, the time seemed to fly by even faster.
This week we made a contact with a woman who had already been taught in the past by missionaries and when she was talking with us she talked about how she doesn't believe in eternal marriage, nor does she want it. But it was really sad. Not in the way that she doesn´t like her husband (because she says she does). She just was confused about, well what happens if I meet another man in the future, etc. It was kind of sad to hear her point of view. We had a couple of experiences this week like this and the lesson in Relief Society was about temples. Also, the lack of people being married. We encountered a few amazing families this week, but only a few are legally married. This week just really seemed to strengthen our testimonies about eternal marriage. I'm so grateful for my parents and their decision to marry in the temple. I know there is no substitute. If we want happy, successful families, the first step as a couple should be to marry in the house of the Lord. If we want to start a college education, we´re going to start at a good school. If we want to buy good food, we´re going to go to a super market. So, if we want the blessings of God in our life and with our family, we should follow his counsel and start our families after the order of God. I know that families can be together forever, through the power and authority of God. That families are most likely to succeed when parents put the focus on the family and following and teaching Christ in the home. I know I'm not married and I don't have kids. But it's an amazing feeling when 2 young missionaries can share a message with a family about eternal marriage or eternal life. We choose how we will spend eternity. We start making the decision today, in our lives, the way we are going to live for eternity. I remember sometimes my Mom would spend all Saturday morning saying you need to clean your room or you can't go to town this night. And sometimes I would spend the whole day procrastinating or doing other things that were more important to me. And when the hour arrived and I hadn´t cleaned my room, it was always somehow a big surprise. I had never taken her seriously or I thought the night would never come. This is kind of a weird example. But it's exactly how it will be when it comes to who will enter the celestial kingdom. We have the gift of agency in this life. I know that God answers our prayers. I know that he gives specific answers to specific questions. I know that He wants us to be happy. I know that we can search for the help of God in our life. That he will never leave us alone.
I know that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true. That they testify of one another and of our Savior. I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
You have got to be so proud of her! What a great testimony! And analogies! My son too has talked about how no one is married over there, and they JUST.DON'T.GET.IT!