Monday, May 27, 2013

To: Mom
I mailed the package for you all this week.  It should arrive there like normal, 3-4 weeks.  I wanted to go by the mail office but I forgot.  Tomorrow is transfer day, and today has been a little hectic.  Sister R. received a phone call yesterday that she will train a new missionary.  I am so happy, excited and proud for her.  I know she will be awesome.  It doesn´t happen very often, that someone trains the transfer after they finish training.  She´s going from trainee to trainer.  So it´s been exciting.  Our mission seemed to have been mixed a little too.  I'm being transferred.  I'm going to Campo Mourão.  My new companion is Sister H. She´s from Chile and I don´t know her very well, but she´s really sweet.  We´ll continue as sister trainers leaders.  I don´t know too much about my new area.  I think its a branch, but I've heard great things about the area.  I think it's about 2-3 hours by bus from here (and a little bit farther from Londrina).  Ha and I'm being transfered with S. Butler.  She´s going to be companions with the other sister there Sister S.  So it´ll be 5 transfers now living in the same house with her. But we´re excited. 

This week was really great.  We had a really neat meeting with the ward leaders that we loved.  We talked about the missionary work and how our ward is going.  We´re excited to work a little bit closer and better with our members.  I know that missionary work can´t go anywhere without our members.  They have testimonies and so much to offer.  Vanessa, our primary president also loaded us up with food as we were leaving.  They were having a primary activity and loaded us up with lots of food and juice to take with us.  It was really sweet.  She´s an amazing sister in the ward.  It´ll be a little sad to leave this area, but also, I'm excited to start in a new area. 

I love how the Gospel really does answer all of our questions or doubts.  We can be guided in all aspects of life.  If we have questions and sincerely look, we will find peace, comfort, and guidance through the restored gospel.  I know that the Lord makes us capable to do what we need to.  We are never alone.  I know that Christ is our Savior and that he loves us.  We are children of God with a great purpose here.  Our families can be together forever through the Gospel of Christ.  I know that we are blessed when we make right choices and follow the example of Christ. 

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